"I'd rather be a loser with no friends, that's better than having a lot of friends but quietly they hate me and want to destroy me from behind"
I like the word, because I think it is better to be a loser than have many friends who want to destroy us from behind.
you must know how the pain, I also know you'll never feel hurt by others, even those we love.
I once had a friend, she's very good to me, I think she is
the best friend I ever had (from a number of my best friend), We often walk together, jokes and laughter we spent together, I often talked about anything to her, because at first I was quite trust her.
until one day, I told her, that I liked someone at school, she gave positive feedback about it and I feel good, haha, but I felt there was something strange, she is closer to someone who I like, they often laugh together, at first I did not care, but one of my friends say, that's right, the friend likes someone who I like, I was surprised, because she had say, if she likes someone else. until the end that made me hit them dating, people who I always believed I praise, it has betrayed me, it hurts.
Ok I'm starting to accept reality, I turned to someone else, but I felt after she dated, she attitude changed, become selfish, I do not know why it happened.
One day, word got out that someone who like me, like me too, but I did not know it's true what not, but I know, my good friend knows that secret, but, she match people who I love to others, my heart is getting sore!
I know, love is not everything, but friendship is more important, you know? what makes me 'hate' her? She discusses the flaws in others, reveal all secrets, even though the impact that I received is not bad, because other friends over on my side, until she in a class hated by even one generation of school.
she did not have friends, until finally (maybe) realize what a mistake she had done her and she apologized, but several weeks later, she repeated the same thing.
I did not care, but the point is, 'I've been hurt by one of the most I love and I believe' and it's very sick, well, I'm not a perfect person, always making mistakes, and I apologize if I have hurt you Sometimes I'm carried away emotionally, but actually I love all the friends and even all my friends.
NB : to all my friends, I don't care where you come from, what your background is really, you just tell me the truth don't lie, I accept what the person they are, above all, thank you for all you've given me all this time, you're always in my heart :D
a short experience I've ever felt
Posted by Me, Ajeng Fajarsari at 06.06 0 comments
eh hari ini parahbangetdah mana gue dateng telat, trus pas gue turun kebawah langsung upacara, capek bener -.- yaudahlah pokoknya upacara, trus ke kelas, LANGSUNG MID NATIVE, tempat duduk gua dipindah, najis tralala trus si miranda juga dipindah ke sebelah gue, yaudahlah, pertama mid english ga susah susah amatsih, trus lanjut ke matematika, baru ipa, NAH YANG IPA INI SUSAH BANGET HAH ada yang belom diajarin tapi udah keluar di test saya kesal dan muak, trus si native dari afrika itu keanya gasuka ama gua gangerti lah GUA DIPINDAH KE DEPAN MASA CUIH oke gue pindah sampe akhirnya test selesai, ih gua enek banget sama tuh bule dari afrika maunya apasih, gue kaga nyontek juga cacaaat, yang paling enek tuh ya ADA MATERI YANG BELOM DIPELAJARIN TAPI DI ULANGANIN AH NYESEK BANGET GUE SEHARIAN BELAJAR huek sabar aja lah gue
Posted by Me, Ajeng Fajarsari at 01.40 0 comments
bad day (eh gue marah marah -.- lebih baik jangan dibaca)
AH MAU LO APASIH? SOK BAIK, GUE KIRA LO EMANG BAIK, TAPI GUE SALAH LAGI, DULU GUE SENENG TEMENAN SAMA LO, LO SERING KAYAK GINI, TAPI KAPAN GUE MARAHIN LO? GAPERNAH! jahat banget lo sumpah, dih ampundeh gue punya temen kea lo apabanget, gue selalu bantuin lo, tapi lo gapernah denger cerita gue, kalaupun kadang lo mau denger tapi abis itu apa? lo bantu gue? nggak! ah udahlah capek gue, balik dong kayak dulu, gue butuh lo yang dulu, bukan yang sekarang, i know you can do that
smabel -.-
huah hari kedua masuk sekolah, boring abis, mati lampu, kelas panas yaoloh gakuat, serasa pengen cepet pulang, mana gue ga basket lagi, habis banyak yang gak basket, yaudah males -.- tapi katanya bulan november ada smabel cup, yaya asikdeh akhirnya ada turnamen, pas gue mau pulang gerbang ditutup masya allah, tugas numpuk pula huaft
Posted by Me, Ajeng Fajarsari at 01.02 0 comments